Compassionate Swaziland currently collaborates with the following partners;
1. Deputy Prime Minister’s Office
Compassionate Swaziland is proud to work closely with the DPMs office. The DPM’s office continues to be a source of valuable resources on Child Protection and Child Rights.
2. Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric Aids Foundation (EGPAF)-Swaziland
As a newly registered organization, Compassionate Swaziland needs to grow through mentorship and collaboration. Compassionate Swaziland currently collaborates with EGPAF through mentorship in technical areas that aim at serving the needs of children living with HIV and AIDS.
Towards this end Compassionate Swaziland collaborates with EGPAF-Swaziland in two main areas;
· Psychosocial support to vulnerable children particularly children living with HIV and AIDS.
· Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission particularly among teenage pregnant and breast feeding mothers.
Compassionate Swaziland remains grateful to EGPAF for training our community based volunteers who work closely with local clinics and provide psychosocial support to our vulnerable children.